by Laura Giddings, Community Leader
There is a part of the culture of L’Arche that resists categorization and counting, and rightly so. Our mission is transformation through mutual relationship, after all! Once in a while, though, there is something to be said for taking stock of how many lives we impact on a regular basis. Here are a few “fast facts” about L’Arche Tahoma Hope:
Core members in our four homes and on the Farm: 21
Welcome Center program participants with intellectual disabilities: 36
Total individuals with intellectual disabilities finding belonging at LTH: 57
Residential assistants and program staff: 33
Administrative staff and leadership: 11
Core members employed by LTH: 7
Total LTH employees: 51
A closer look at assistants and program staff…
Live-in residential assistants: 10
Live-out residential assistants and respite providers: 15
Administrative and program staff who regularly support in homes: 8