by Samantha Arnold, Anawim Assistant

I sat in a large gathering. The man in front asked that I hold hands with those around me as he prepared to guide us in prayer. The person to my right is my core member “buddy” for the weekend. Though he only met me a few days ago, he has graciously welcomed me into his home, his life, and his daily routine. I look to my left to see another new friend. The look in her eyes is nothing short of adoration for me, full of acceptance – this is something I’ve decided to call a “glimpse of gladness.” We grab onto one another’s hands, and we begin to pray; a room full of friends, even if we’re only just beginning our journey together.
My first week as a summer assistant at L’Arche Tahoma Hope was full of adventures, one of which was attending Western Regional Gathering. My personality is one that adapts to new places and settings quickly. Even still, it was nothing short of a whirlwind of new faces, emotions, and the privilege of witnessing many of these glimpses of gladness.
The theme for the Western Regional Gathering was “Journeying Together: The Way of the Heart.” As I met people from the different communities in L’Arche USA’s Western Region – Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Portland, and Wavecrest in Orange, California – I was welcomed into the heart of what L’Arche means to so many people and their families.
Throughout the weekend, we laughed and danced and celebrated each other – everyone’s gifts and stories shared and respected; the spirit of welcome, care, and acceptance on full display. I am honored to be invited into this celebration of L’Arche, into those stories, and into the community. It is a gift to be entrusted with – that invitation – and I am so thankful for the glimpses of gladness that I am able to share.
L’Arche Tahoma Hope could not be happier that Sam has decided to extend her time beyond her role as a summer assistant. She will no doubt share many more glimpses of gladness in our community.