by Kayleigh Harper, Development and Communications Specialist

Home is more than the physical space we occupy. It is the people we surround ourselves with. It is how we spend our days together. Debra is not new to us, having worked on the Farm for a number of years. But as our newest residential core member, Debra has used her gifts to enhance a sense of home and belonging at Farmhouse.
In the time leading up to Debra’s arrival, her new housemates spent time painting and decorating her new room. There was excitement about Debra moving from her dad’s house to live in L’Arche, and Farmhouse hoped to make her feel right at home. But more than the decorating, it was Debra’s incredible gift of diving courageously into new relationships that has made Farmhouse even more of a place of belonging for everyone living there.
Debra recognizes the gifts of her new housemates and engages with them in their passions. She spends time watching movies with Doug, sneaks little drawings into Shann’s mail pouch, and practices sign language to communicate with Kendyl and Nancy. While Debra’s physical space was created with love and thoughtfulness by existing farmhouse residents, Debra’s gift for accepting others made the new space her home.
Debra says, “I belong here. I like being a part of the Farmhouse family.” Debra, we look forward to sharing the gifts of home with you for many years to come!