Operating Support: Your donation makes it possible for us to live L’Arche on a daily basis. Please join us as a Companion on the Journey with a monthly automated donation through your credit card or bank account.
Capital Campaign: We are in the final stages of our effort to raise $3.5 million to complete the Welcome Center and connect with more people with intellectual disabilities.
Amazon Smile and Fred Meyer Rewards: Two ways your regular shopping can contribute to L’Arche at no additional expense to you. Click Here to find out more.
Give the Gift of L’Arche: Make your Christmas gift to a friend or loved one a donation to L’Arche Tahoma Hope. We will send a card to the person to tell them that you honored them and include their name and your name in our next newsletter.
Pray: Join L’Arche Tahoma Hope in a prayer for hope and peace in our hearts and in our world.