Subaru Owners Support L’Arche

L’Arche Tahoma Hope is honored to receive $27,971 from Bruce Titus Tacoma Subaru and Subaru of America during their annual “Share the Love” Event. On April 15th,. Matt Titus, Bellarmine sophomore and son of dealership owners Linda and Bruce, presented L’Arche core members Cindy, Bobby and Les with the generous check. Matt’s experience as part of the service learning program at L’Arche Farm & Gardens was instrumental in the family’s choice of L’Arche as a beneficiary of the campaign. Board members John Elting and Paula Olson shared their gratitude with all Tacoma Subaru staff who worked to inspire support for L’Arche, Tacoma Subaru’s hometown charity.
We can’t thank Tacoma Subaru enough for their valuable contribution to the community. Because of this meaningful relationship, L’Arche continues to offer those with intellectual disabilities a place to belong.