by Karrie Zylstra Myton, Communications & Development Coordinator
L’Arche Tahoma Hope has seen many improvements in the homes and on the farm in the past few months because of the generosity of our community. Thank you for being a part of who we are and what we do!
Tucci & Sons, Inc. and Sessler, Inc. both generously donated their time, materials, and equipment to pave the driveway and install a new accessible ramp at Hopespring. The entrance looks fantastic and if you haven’t seen it, do stop by!
Flynn Construction has done marvelous work on the farm. They donated 8 dumpsters, re-built our walk-in fridge, re-built our outdoor sinks, built a shelf for our wood shed, created a system so our greenhouse windows can open, and had an electrician come out to do an evaluation of our property. Be sure you check out the accessible raised beds and new doors on the greenhouses on your next visit! We are so grateful for the donated time and materials!