Les celebrated his 30th anniversary of living in L’Arche in January. He wants everyone to know that he has lived in 5 homes, which are all important to him: Rainier School, Hilltop House, the new Hilltop House, Esperanza, and now Ananda. Les’s friend Vi Marcoe was instrumental in bringing Les from Rainer School to L’Arche.
For all of his years in L’Arche, Les has also been a faithful worker at L’Arche Farm & Gardens, where he is known for his hospitality to groups and for tasks he can perform independently, such as watering and rounding up the trash. He is always looking forward to the next L’Arche celebration where he can see his many friends. Some of the challenges of life in L’Arche for Les include keeping his clothes organized and continuing to welcome new assistants into his home year after year.
Les has two great passions: music (think Elvis and Johnny Cash) and sports. Les has made many friends in the wider Tacoma community through participating on baseball, basketball and bowling teams. He is also a great spectator who enjoys watching Rainiers, Mariners, and Seahawks games, both in person and on television. His 30th anniversary party even included a Seahawks-themed cake.