by Katie Guertin-Anderson, Spiritual Life Director

The community has chosen “From Longing to Belonging” as our theme for the 2019-20 program year. A deep longing for mutual relationships is at the heart of everyone’s journey in L’Arche. When we find life-giving relationships, we feel a sense of belonging. This year at L’Arche Tahoma Hope (LTH), we will explore what our experiences of longing and belonging can teach us about welcome, difference, inclusion, community, and true mutuality.
All those who come to LTH experience both longing and belonging, sometimes at the same time. The gifts and challenges and joys and sorrows of community are a critical part of our life here. The space between longing and belonging is a journey: a dance in which we move back-and-forth, sometimes gracefully and sometimes clumsily. But, we are all searching for our place here; we all long to belong.
In order to help us explore longing and belonging at LTH, our Day Program core members and assistants worked together to create an image of people building a bridge (above). You’ll notice they are all in different places on the bridge, and also that the bridge is unfinished. Some of the characters seem happy; one seems uncertain. One is reaching out, and some are holding pieces of the bridge. Are they moving towards one another, or going in different directions? Do they look like they feel longing, belonging, or both? We invite you to join us in thinking about your own experiences of longing and belonging in L’Arche, and we will create more opportunities for connection over the coming year.
Belonging feels/sounds/looks like:
- being understood.
- snuggles with my mom.
- being known and loved.
- inclusion.
- warmth and connection.
- joy.
- relief.
- being myself.
- support.
- getting coffee with my friends.
- laughter.
- praying together in my home.
- working at the farm together.
- sharing my gifts and being celebrated.
- being noticed when I walk into a room.
- hugs.
- someone with light in their eyes.
- helping each other.
- genuine questions.
- music.
- a shared silence that is not uncomfortable.
- truth-telling.

Longing feels/sounds/looks like:
- loneliness.
- an ache, a thirst that I don’t know will be quenched.
- no one understands me.
- frustration.
- silence, the bad kind.
- I’m in a world of people, but I’m all alone.
- I’m standing on the outside looking in.
Wherever we find ourselves on the bridge between longing and belonging today, we hope you will continue the journey with us!