What does L’Arche mean?
L’Arche” means “the ark” in French (because L’Arche began in France). The name refers to Noah’s Ark and the diversity of its passengers.
Who comes to work or volunteer in L’Arche?
People are drawn to L’Arche for a variety of reasons:
- A desire to experience community life with a diverse group of people;
- A call to share life with persons with developmental disabilities;
- A motivation to connect with the social justice or religious dimension of L’Arche;
- Interest in the professional fields of developmental disabilities or social work;
- A desire for personal growth in a supportive community environment.
- Whatever their motivations, once a person comes to L’Arche, his/her life is touched in ways s/he never imagined.
How can my relative with a disability come to L’Arche?
L’Arche Tahoma Hope invites persons with developmental disabilities and their families to learn more about our community. We have referral forms that can be completed to help us learn more about you. Making one’s home in L’Arche comes about through much dialogue and exploration, rather than through a waiting list.
How is religion/spirituality lived out at L’Arche Tahoma Hope?
All L’Arche communities are communities of faith, rooted in prayer and trust In God. Each community member is encouraged to discover and deepen his/her spiritual life and live it according to his/her particular faith or tradition. Those who have no religious affiliation are also welcomed and respected in their freedom of conscience. The spirituality of L’Arche Tahoma Hope is lived out in the small daily acts of love and fidelity, in times of prayer In the homes, and in community celebrations.
Does one need special training to work in L’Arche?
Some people that come to work at L’Arche have experience working with people with disabilities, but most don’t. The first requirement is that a person has the desire to share life together in a community setting. It is also important that one is able to perform the duties outlined in the appropriate role description. Much of a person’s first weeks in the community is devoted to hands on training.
How is L’Arche Tahoma Hope funded?
The majority of our funding comes from the State with additional support coming from individuals, churches, businesses, and matching gifts and donor voice programs. We hold an annual auction in the spring that serves as our primary fundraiser.