This week for Walk n’ Roll Club, we’ll spend some time getting fresh air and getting to know each other at the wonderful Dune Peninsula at Point Defiance. We will meet at the parking lot and walk the loop. Maybe we’ll get to spend some time enjoying a sea breeze? And for those interested, we may even walk to a Tacoma staple – Ice Cream Social! – for a post walk treat!
–  Please RSVP to [email protected] by 9am on the day of the walk so we can know who to expect before we start our stroll.
–  If you find yourself feeling sick or unwell the day of the activity, we kindly ask you to stay home.
– Be prepared for the weather and pack some water or snack if you will need.
–  When you arrive, be sure to gather with other WC participants at 6 feet apart.
–  Please be prepared to wear a mask throughout the entirety of the time.
–  L’Arche staff cannot provide one on one support or personal care assistance so if you need either of those things, please be sure to plan accordingly with a caregiver or support person.

Event Details