This week, we’ll attend the Broadway Farmers Market in downtown Tacoma (925 Broadway, Tacoma, WA 98402), spend some time exploring what they have to offer, and then eat lunch together! According to the organizers, this vibrant market place has local farmers, food vendors, artists, live music, and plenty of seating.

Where to Meet: We will be parking at the Tacoma Dome Station and taking the Tacoma Link (free admission) to the downtown market. Refer to the map to know what part of Tacoma Dome Station to find the T-Link station! Meet at the station by 11am and we will board once all of who RSVP’ed arrives.

What to Bring: Either money for lunch (we suggest $15) or a packed lunch. 

What You Can Expect: We will walk the market together for the first hour and then find a place to eat lunch together. We will leave the market at 12:30pm to try and be back to the Tacoma Dome Station by 1pm. If you are not taking the link back, please coordinate your return ride from the Subway / Broadway Center end of the Market.

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: Tacoma Dome Station
  • Categories: ,