By: Laura Van Berwaer
Laura Van Berwaer spent six months as an international volunteer at Hopespring, returning to her native Spain in early March.
If someone had told me before coming about the big change that I would experience in myself, I wouldn’t have believed it. L’Arche, this community, has been a perfect place for starting to get to know myself, that, as an 18 years old girl, I’m just starting to discover. Everyone in this community has something to give and something to receive from the others. That’s what makes this place so special.
In this six months at l’Arche Tahoma Hope, especially at Hopespring, my home, I have learned so much about relationship, how to live a happy and plain life with simplicity, how to listen, and to appreciate the beauty of each individual – not for their capacities or their physical [selves], but for their soul, for who they are. I started this adventure with hopes of growth (being more independent, mature, and self-confident). I have certainly accomplished that. But, what I wasn’t expecting at all is this deep growth of my understanding of relationship, of life, of myself. Not everything has been easy, but I will never regret the decision of crossing the ocean and starting a new adventure here. These difficulties have made me understand a lot of what I have learned. This experience made me realize of how important it is to listen to ourselves. This community gives to people space to be what they want to be without judging them, gives space to feel listened and respected, and also space for challenge. Which I’m deeply grateful for. Space to grow, love, learn, listen…
Ricky, Sharilynn and Debbie are the greatest teachers I have ever had and also really dear friends. They show patience with good reminders of how beautiful life is. Thanks to these amazing people (that society often marginalizes), I have lost prejudice. I have learned the importance of freely expressing to others what I feel and need. They have taught me to respect silence and quietness, to find happiness in things that before were insignificant to me. Overall, they have taught me that the joy of living is based on good relationships and respect. I’m sad to leave, but I certainly leave with my heart full of love and gratefulness for this magic community.
Enjoy this video that Laura created from our Annual Community Weekend at Seabeck in September.