An Interview with
Nancy Tyson
by Jonathan Ross, Development Director and Kayleigh Harper, House Leader

Come December, Nancy Tyson will mark her 34th anniversary of living at L’Arche Tahoma Hope. In all those years, there has never been one like 2020. We wanted to know how Nancy was coping with it all.
Has life changed for you in 2020?
Mostly staying at home.
How are you passing the time these days?
I like the slow, unrushed mornings. Coloring and making art. Video chatting with friends we aren’t able to see.
Are you looking forward to anything?
Starting to ride my horse again. I miss him a lot!
Have you done anything unique for Camp L’Arche?
Painting on the big canvas!
Is there anything you’d want to tell folks who are missing being around LTH?
I hope to see you all soon and give you a hug!
If you’re missing time with Nancy or other LTH members, we’d love to hear from you. While we are still unable to welcome visitors into our homes, your calls, cards, video chats and outdoor, distanced visits mean the world to us! You’ll find our contact information on the back page of this newsletter.